How Do I Know When I'm Healing?

Grief is a normal and natural reaction to the death of a loved one. Most of us are not prepared for the long journey of grief. It can be devastating, frightening and often lonely. Utah Hospice Specialists is committed to assisting you through the process of healing.

See the following for understanding grief:


Normal Grief Experiences

Appropriate Grief Expectations

Grief Rituals

The Mourner's Bill of Rights

How Do I Know When I Am Healing?

The Gifts of Grief

Life is Still Good

Books about Grieving

Healing from grief can be a long, drawn out process. Grief requires the passage of time to readjust to the feelings of loss. In the beginning, we may have wondered if we will ever get through it. As months went by we may have felt as if we're not healing. However, healing is happening and we are learning to survive the loss.

Healing occurs over time. The pain of grief forces us to feel our pain, adjust to our losses and find new meaning to our lives. How do we know when we are healing?

1. We know we are healing when we can remember and talk about loved ones without much emotional pain.

2. We know we are healing when we can experience the full range of human emotions once more.

3. We know we are healing when we can begin to reinvest our emotional surpluses.

4. We know we are healing when good days begin to outweigh bad days.

5. We know we are healing when we can begin to carry out the routine of our daily lives in an effective and comfortable manner.

6. We know we are healing when we can learn from our experiences.

Taken from the book, "Grieving: The Pain and the Promise" by Deanna Edwards